The Transo-Pharm Christmas Tree is up and decorated. The history of Christmas trees has many roots, ranging from the use of evergreens in ancient Egypt and Rome to the German traditions of candlelit trees that made its way to America in the 1800s. In many countries it was believed that evergreens would keep away witches, ghosts, evil spirits, and illness. In this sense, we and our little guy wish you all a peaceful and joyful Holiday Season!
Last year we started with “We are going through some difficult times…”. Unfortunately we have to face the truth and state: “it ain’t over yet”. We all need a good portion of optimism for next year and should never give up hope.
With many thanks for your trust in us, we wish you, your family and friends a peaceful and happy Christmas and a healthy start into the New Year 2023. We are going through some difficult times, asking a lot from all of us across the globe. During this holiday season, we wish everyone an enjoyable time with their families and friends – may you all find peace and comfort in the company of your loved ones. The Transo-Pharm crew wishes you a happy and safe New Year.
December 2024