In the past we have often heard about shortages of products containing the active ingredient Epinephrine; also known as Adrenaline. But taking a closer look at it one could always identify the real cause. It was either a manufacturer withdrawing their pharmaceutical formulation from the market or a supply chain issues related to medical device needed for injecting the finished dosage.
Transo-Pharm´s robust supply chain and our 2-year safety stock have always and will always ensures the availability of Epinephrine, dispelling supply shortage fears. The BAFA (Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control in Germany) has once again invited to the "Export Control Information Day" December 07, 2023.
This information day is taking place for the 15th time and was offered in a hybrid format. We did not miss the opportunity to make our way to Frankfurt am Main in order to get informed on site about the following current topics by BAFA:
Initially the validity of GMP certificates for manufacturing sites of API’s located outside the Economic European Area (EEA) was automatically extended until the end of 2023 without the need for further action from the holder of the certificate due to the pandemic crisis. The EEA authorities have now announced another extension until the end of 2024.
Here, the link to the official EMA announcement: EUDRA website.
August 2024